Monday, September 13, 2010

Item 8 Measures of the Week: Tuesday

2. Tuesday, hardly a bruise day

Ah Tuesday, now it is up to you, today is the day
of the full and the true: whatever
you forgot or avoided before will be
waiting like a dog at this morning's door.
But you are up to all these tasks you've
found your stride and the beast has marked
the yard. You can follow the patchwork
in the grass like seeds that need tending.
Repetition is never ending, things to do
require bending but the full yoke
of the week still rests easy enough.
There is little time to stop and wonder
what is in this deal, but you do take
a minute to shuffle the cards, pray
for extra wilds on deck. A swing, a miss
no foul, no harm, no pressure, no alarm --
the tape you need to run through is miles off
and empty of eyes hungry for success. Everyone
else is busy. Grant their wish list longer
than yours. Make way, don't delay,
let them run on by. Just touch all
the bases, repeat after me, it's the trip not
the fall, it hardly hurts at all. Red
rover, red rover, let kindness cross over
the yellow lines that keep us safely in line
in our separate lanes. After, you my dear
Alfonse, I'm still on hold awaiting a
response. Just eat what you find in
your lunch sack, believe it or not you packed
it yourself just a few years back. Placed
each item artifactual in hallowed ground
with a fervent promise to be found.
Take it up, don't tarry. This leash
was made for you and isn't all that
hard to carry. It's only Tuesday, you won't bruise
as much if you just stay loose. Let the dog run
off ahead of you. He is following his nose.
The scents make sense in the field.

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