Saturday, September 11, 2010

Item 5 Floaters & the Search for Intrinsic Value

What you see is what you get: it is all or nothing. It all
has to mean something vital or nothing at all so don't sweat
the details they are interchangeable and will all come out
in the wash, become trapped in the lint filter where we
can attempt to read them as tea leaves, or wait - maybe
it is both: all and nothing, what you get
is what you see and if you are lucky you will see what it is
to be. Maybe the cork screw of inner eye detritus that dislodged
from the back of my cornea sixteen months ago and swims
back and forth across my vision in its inner aquarium
appeared to remind me of the gospel of 'stop sticking your grody
fingers in other people's eyes to try and clear their point of view';
Focus instead on being flexible and automatically tuned like
a view finder. Micro, macro, up close and personal or very far away:
be mindful-- you know how those boxes appear over blades of grass
in search of a face to recognize, you still have to aim before you press
the button to hold onto what you thought you saw. There are no such things
as ghosts, but there are always shadows, always things that get in the way
of what the world might be trying to show us if we would only look beyond
what we think we see. We might capture the swish and switch,
steal a glimpse of the exact moment the magician sneaks the card up his sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. My Babcie's favorite phrase is "Don't worry, it all comes out in the wash."
