Saturday, September 11, 2010

Item 6 The Gravity of It All

Where were you when the towers fell
taking America straight to hell?
I was holding my baby, 7 weeks old,
as I watched the terrible events unfold.
For days we sat speechless under a spell
hearing the bell tolling knell after knell.
For years that shade of blue up in the sky
colored our hearts with hue and cry.
Those stolen souls were not alone in loss,
the pain was felt the world across.
Today my boy of nine sits down to play his drums,
I want to weep for what I know still comes:
more death, more killing, fewer rights for all;
is this what they meant by mankind's fall...?
I need to teach my son to stand up tall
and not to answer instinct's bloody call.
Pacifism isn't absent pain,
it merely walks away from the insane.
Smarting, yes, but smarter still
than planning further souls to try and kill.
Where were you when the towers fell?
Honor the dead by living well.


  1. So moving, the defining moment in history of my lifetime like the assasination of JFK was to previous generations.

  2. i think we all need to teach our kids a better way and listen to their ideas as well on how we can make hte world a better your thoughts on pacifism as well...

  3. Well said. I'll never forget the climate of collective blind frenzy that surrounded both gulf wars (Bush I and Bush II). It does take strength and diligence to stay lucid, to not follow the insanity.

  4. I love what you said and you said it so beautifully too. Thank you.

  5. stolen souls... incredible truth infused in these two words. Wonderful capturing.


  6. Amazing and so true you have told this so lovely and I think that we all need to read and learn from this. Maybe if everyone would take the time to listen to what children have to say things could change maybe
