Thursday, September 16, 2010

Item 10 Measures of the Week: Thursday

4. Thursday tastes of threat and thirst

Yes, you have come awake to find yourself
swimming blankly back and forth across
the pool. Small comfort to be right.
Yes, your breath really is that bad.
Yes, your offerings are indeed that sad.
Somehow as you slept the week has crept
forward in the night, passed you as you splashed
about in slumber's cooling lake, lapped
you silly and left you in its wake.
There is a weariness and worry
that fills most Thursdays, a helium
of tension that can make your voice
take on a funny timbre, so look lively.
Stay limber. Once more the beds all need
to have been made. Skim your fears
like stones over the tide coming toward you
in the laundry basket, and pray there is nothing
in it you can't live without until Sunday.
The weekend winks like a flirtatious
girl at a party but nobody is staying
out late tonight. Today we are in the thick
and almost through. There is still so much
you told yourself you'd do. Beat down
your bafflement like dough, give rise
to the yeast of your yearning to answer
the call of duty without giving in to all
those other voices. You know the ones
I mean, they are always speaking
never seen. Lock your doubts outside
like cats on a screened in back porch;
let them breathe fresh air without
giving them the power to scorch.
What's your point? You can not know.
You're probably late. Get up and go.
Your thirst unslaked, your smiled faked,
just dance with this day what brung ya.
Stand on the loafers of the larger future
the way you used to do with your father in the den.
It's deja vu all over again, but that's all right.
It means you know the words to this song
and you can hum along until another week takes flight.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Item 9 Measures of the Week: Wednesday

3. Wednesday weaving tales

The first day I worked for the peddler
he proclaimed my prowess
in salesmanship, asked my secret.
Leaned in as I looked at him strangely
and replied: Cheerfully bring them what
they ask for, in their size. For some
reason this pissed him off to no
end I'm pretty sure he stiffed me
on commission knowing me too
busy to keep count. He was always
hectoring me about only having one
child, who was I to deny them
siblings he wanted to know. I showed
him, ta, I ended up having three
only children! Still it was a good thing
he didn't pay well enough to live on
or I might still be fetching boxes
and watching people pose
before the three way mirror,
squinting to see if what they picked
might take them where they want to go.
There was something so appealing
watching them chew over the possibilities,
shift forward and back to peek at what
could be. It was the easiest job I ever
had and proof of Wednesdays wiles.
It'll wend you which ever way you
let it being the apex of all tangents,
the sum of the steps so far. Keep
your wits about you or you'll be peddling
someone else's wares and they couldn't
care less about what it means to you
or your little dog too. Don't get lost
in someone else's story. Push off, push
on. Tomorrow's yon.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Item 8 Measures of the Week: Tuesday

2. Tuesday, hardly a bruise day

Ah Tuesday, now it is up to you, today is the day
of the full and the true: whatever
you forgot or avoided before will be
waiting like a dog at this morning's door.
But you are up to all these tasks you've
found your stride and the beast has marked
the yard. You can follow the patchwork
in the grass like seeds that need tending.
Repetition is never ending, things to do
require bending but the full yoke
of the week still rests easy enough.
There is little time to stop and wonder
what is in this deal, but you do take
a minute to shuffle the cards, pray
for extra wilds on deck. A swing, a miss
no foul, no harm, no pressure, no alarm --
the tape you need to run through is miles off
and empty of eyes hungry for success. Everyone
else is busy. Grant their wish list longer
than yours. Make way, don't delay,
let them run on by. Just touch all
the bases, repeat after me, it's the trip not
the fall, it hardly hurts at all. Red
rover, red rover, let kindness cross over
the yellow lines that keep us safely in line
in our separate lanes. After, you my dear
Alfonse, I'm still on hold awaiting a
response. Just eat what you find in
your lunch sack, believe it or not you packed
it yourself just a few years back. Placed
each item artifactual in hallowed ground
with a fervent promise to be found.
Take it up, don't tarry. This leash
was made for you and isn't all that
hard to carry. It's only Tuesday, you won't bruise
as much if you just stay loose. Let the dog run
off ahead of you. He is following his nose.
The scents make sense in the field.

Item 7 Measures of the Week: Monday

1. Monday forms like weather on the eve.

It begins, whether we want it to or not on Sunday night, anyone
who tells you differently is a liar. Even for poets pledged
to peace, the start of the week speaks of war, startles
the horses in their stalls. Nostrils flare as they too sense
the straps of breast plates snapped into place
across the kingdom and face after face tries to hide
the wince at what might be out there, the wise
try and ready by singing fear to sleep. But it won't stop
the clock and before you know it is time to step so

Mind your Mondays, no matter
how well you prepare you will be
caught unaware. You will rush
to show up and be in the wrong
homeroom, just re-group, go on,
let it blunder by. Bluff it out,
you can be tough without
being too rough. Be like the butterflies
in the meadow on the way home
from Grama's. They have no ears
or blood pressure evidently: they let
the state police practice without blinking,
let them take aim against future villains.
Bullet after blasting bullet volleys
across the valley, but the bugs don't pay
any mind at all, just flit and follow
their own paths, tasting pollen
through their feet, passing it on.
Some say ignorance is bliss like its
a bad thing and it can be, but it is also
necessary for concentration and sincerity.
It is true I do not want to know when
the bullet leaves the chamber, I might
flinch and forget to finish what I've started.
You shoot your way, I'll fumble along
at the locker door of this armory whose
only ammunition are my fingers and everything
could still work out fine.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Item 6 The Gravity of It All

Where were you when the towers fell
taking America straight to hell?
I was holding my baby, 7 weeks old,
as I watched the terrible events unfold.
For days we sat speechless under a spell
hearing the bell tolling knell after knell.
For years that shade of blue up in the sky
colored our hearts with hue and cry.
Those stolen souls were not alone in loss,
the pain was felt the world across.
Today my boy of nine sits down to play his drums,
I want to weep for what I know still comes:
more death, more killing, fewer rights for all;
is this what they meant by mankind's fall...?
I need to teach my son to stand up tall
and not to answer instinct's bloody call.
Pacifism isn't absent pain,
it merely walks away from the insane.
Smarting, yes, but smarter still
than planning further souls to try and kill.
Where were you when the towers fell?
Honor the dead by living well.

Item 5 Floaters & the Search for Intrinsic Value

What you see is what you get: it is all or nothing. It all
has to mean something vital or nothing at all so don't sweat
the details they are interchangeable and will all come out
in the wash, become trapped in the lint filter where we
can attempt to read them as tea leaves, or wait - maybe
it is both: all and nothing, what you get
is what you see and if you are lucky you will see what it is
to be. Maybe the cork screw of inner eye detritus that dislodged
from the back of my cornea sixteen months ago and swims
back and forth across my vision in its inner aquarium
appeared to remind me of the gospel of 'stop sticking your grody
fingers in other people's eyes to try and clear their point of view';
Focus instead on being flexible and automatically tuned like
a view finder. Micro, macro, up close and personal or very far away:
be mindful-- you know how those boxes appear over blades of grass
in search of a face to recognize, you still have to aim before you press
the button to hold onto what you thought you saw. There are no such things
as ghosts, but there are always shadows, always things that get in the way
of what the world might be trying to show us if we would only look beyond
what we think we see. We might capture the swish and switch,
steal a glimpse of the exact moment the magician sneaks the card up his sleeve.

Item 4: No Time for Free Will

Over sushi we discuss his philosophy class last semester,
since it is easier to understand than physics, but once again
I do not understand the question: Do we have "Free Will"?
I only understand my answer, could only sincerely intone
do we have will? and even there, there is doubt. Surely,
we all have ways of wending through our days. I have intended,
I have extended, tripped and fell and followed the physical
laws of the universe for five decades but what matters is still
what matters. All matter is heavy with a mass
of volume, filled to the brim and reacts in predictable ways
to different stimuli, no? Isn't that what they say? So
what simple machine could I invent to solve this problem:
one foot always has to go in front of the other if
we are to move forward into the future.
Existence equals me somewhere over a fraction of truth.
My thoughts have achieved maximum local entropy
and they have no where else to go. I have never been free.
I have always been me. It is a difficult calculation:
no one has ever figured out how to do it until now.