Thursday, September 2, 2010

Item 1 Laying The Groundwork

Water your pages well with whatever runs
out at first. Sure it'll be embarrassing to mulch
through all that raw pent up sewage, but
you have to do it: it is the only way to provide
a rich loam, give your efforts a happy, healthy home.
Dig down and get underneath the dusty history
clouding up your field. Go ahead, throw it all
across the pages like Jackson Pollack
with a stomach bug. Trust me: it has been done
by all who have come before to this land
and will be again. No one likes to vomit
but everybody feels better afterwards and once
you wipe your chin you can really begin to get to work
without feeling like such a jerk. You've heard it before
but there is a reason they say it: there is nothing
like growing your own, hoeing your row
until harvest. Watch out: the vines will be
very, very thirsty and will threaten the whole
crop, but can and will take direction with enough
patience and a willingness to prune with dispassionate
precision like a hair dresser who doesn't care how you
want to look, just disappears into a conversation
with the hairs on your head. This land is your
land, you need to do the same. Bend down and grab
the soil by the handful, learn where the pebbles
are more plentiful, where to put the seeds.
No matter how obvious or logically they seem
to be laying out, write down where ever they go
or you will not remember where or what it was.
There will be plenty of time to pinch back the over
growth and wend your way out of the weeds.
Don't worry about the ugly ones, you might not
be hungry for root vegetables right now, but come
winter that sucker will yield a great meal. Many
farmers won't tell you this but there really is no way
to tell which of your produce will be the most fruitful,
feed the most people. Just bundle them all up.
Set them on the cart to market and slap
the horses ass. Hyah! Hyah!

For Cathryn, who I think asked how poets and artists are built.


  1. What an amazing gift. I hope to someday write a piece worthy of returning a gift to you.

  2. I have read your work and know you will, but PAY IT FORWARD! To give a gift with ripples is the best kind! ^-^
